Author Guidelines
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences is an international refereed peer-reviewed journal of which is published annually, in June and December. The official languages of the journal are Turkish and English.
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences also publishes academic activities, interviews, reviews of book and paper and critical papers beside academic papers as long as they are between 600 and 1000 words.
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences also publishes translations. All translations should include the name of the original paper, its writer, its date, its place of publication, information about the journal in which it is published and the consent of the original publisher if it is still under the copyright protection.
- There is a blind review system in the journal. Each paper sent for publication is evaluated by at least two referees.
- All papers should contain a 150 words abstract both in Turkish and English. They should contain key words in Turkish and English. References and bibliography should be given at the end of the paper in Chicago Style.
- Since there is a blind review process, papers must be sent online without name of the author, by Manuscript Tracking System.
- Papers should not exceed 5000 words, with a one and half space interlining, with margins left, right and up 4.5 cm, down 3,5 cm. In papers it should be made use of Times New Roman 11 points.
- Any picture or graphics in the paper should be sent separately as a jpg file and should be maksimum 10x20 cm. in size.
- Editorial Board is fully authorized about whether to publish or not to publish the paper. The author is fully responsible for the ideas in the paper.
- All rights of the published papers belong to the author. The paper should be cited for any citations from the paper.
For the Chicago Manual of Style, see